Ustanoviteljica | Vaditeljica
Med dolgoletnim treningom košarke sem ugotovila, da moje misli in telo potrebujejo aktivnost, ki bo nasprotovala eksplozivnosti in moči košarke. Tako me je pot pripeljala do pilatesa, za katerega vseskozi trdim, da je najboljša oblika vadbe za naše telo.
Meat the team
Our Trainers are Fitness & Wellness Professionals, equipped with a deep understanding of the human body. They bring to the team their own expertise in HIT, Boxing, Pilates or Yoga.
Emily Holt
Pilates Instructor
Sophia Burns
HIT & Strength Instructor
Marguerite Ingram
Yoga Instructor
Emma Cannon
Cardio & Boxing Instructor
Rachel Torres
Zumba Instructor
Agnes Garcia
Pilates & Yoga Instructor
Not only do we live and breathe a healthy and fit lifestyle ourselves, we have helped thousands of women all over the world achieve their health and fitness goals and transform their lives.